Rich cannot abandon world’s poorest
20 October 2020

World leaders from rich, polluting countries, must fulfil their promises to support poorer countries adapt to the impacts of climate change and pay compensation for irreversible damage caused, according to a new report from the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) .
The coalition of 55 Scottish organisations, which SCIAF is a leading member of, says that rich nations, like Scotland, who are responsible for creating and sustaining the global climate emergency, must offer poor countries more financial support to help them adapt to the changing climate. SCCS also says that developed countries have a serious blind spot when it comes to compensating poor communities who are losing their lives, homes and livelihoods due to the irreversible effects of climate change.
SCCS new report, ‘Financing Climate Justice: Scotland at COP26’, has been released ahead of crucial global climate talks due to take place in Glasgow in just over a year’s time. The report, produced by SCCS members Jubilee Scotland, SCIAF and Oxfam Scotland and the SCCS International Group, urges the Scottish Government to immediately ramp up its support to the world’s poorest people while urging other nations to do the same.
You can read the full report here.
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