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Appeal to help Cyclone Idai survivors raises more than £235,000

31 May 2019

Thanks to your generous donations, our Emergency Appeal to help people in Malawi affected by Cyclone Idai has raised more than £235,000.

More than a thousand people lost their lives across Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe when the cyclone struck in March, while tens of thousands have been forced to leave their homes. It has been described as one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to hit Africa.

The money you've raised is already helping to provide survivors in Malawi with food and other essentials like sleeping mats, blankets, mosquito nets and pots and pans for cooking.

We're responding to the disaster as part of the global Caritas network of Catholic international aid agencies which is providing support to almost 76,000 survivors.

As well as providing immediate help, we will work with families in Malawi and Mozambique in the months and years ahead to help rebuild homes, livelihoods, and ensure people can make a full recovery.