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Helpful Hydroponics

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An estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees now live in Lebanon.

Thanks to your generous donations of more than £1m, we’ve been working in the region since the outbreak of the Syrian war in 2016, providing both immediate emergency relief in Syria and longer-term recovery and rehabilitation work in the region.

One of our most innovative projects focuses on hydroponic farming – a style of agriculture that does not require soil but instead uses minerals dissolved in water. In countries like Lebanon that are food insecure and short of space, it serves as a very cost-effective, efficient and reliable way of growing crops and improving people’s livelihoods. 

With our partner Basmeh and Zeitooneh, we’ve taught 12 Lebanese locals and 18 Syrian refugees the science behind the process, while giving them hands-on opportunities to plant seeds, harvest vegetables and sell produce.

“Some of the people who attended reapplied the techniques they learned in their homes or on their rooftops, or in a small area in front of their house,” said Project Manager Rayan Osman. Fawzi, a project participant, added, “I was able to implement the learnings on a very small scale on our balcony at home. I planted peppers – my family loves peppers!”

In Syria, Lebanon and surrounding countries:

Over 20,000

people have received support


people with disabilities have had their lives changed

Find out more by watching our video

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