Listen to the voice of creation - Laudato Si’ Week
23 May 2022

If we believe our God to be the Creator God ("God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good" Genesis 1:31) then there is no stronger reason for us to care for and protect the earth on which we live.
This Laudato Si’ week marks the 7th anniversary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’.
Laudato Si’ tells us that the earth is a gift to us and that our Christian responsibility to care for creation “is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience”.
We believe, that as a Bishop’s Conference agency, we have a real opportunity to build on the momentum that came from COP26 in Glasgow last November. We think Catholics do, can and will stand up and bear witness to the importance of caring for creation.
The amazing thing, particularly in Catholic schools, is that care for creation has always been something high on the agenda long before the media was bringing it to our attention. That’s because it is part of our Christian witness. We consistently see young people who care and who take action.
It is no surprise, but no less inspirational that over 240 schools (both primary and secondary) in Scotland have registered to be Laudato Si’ schools in response to the launch of Laudato Si’ Schools Scotland (LSSS).
Just over a year ago, SCIAF, Justice & Peace Scotland and with the Scottish Catholic Education Service taking the lead, we created the LSSS programme as a way for Catholic schools to respond to the call of Pope Francis for ecological action.
Laudato Si Encyclical Resources for young people
Over the past few years SCIAF has built up a number of resources helping schools on their journey of Ecological Education. Download Laudato Si’ Encyclical resources.
We have also created an easy-to-use page for the Laudato Si’ Schools Scotland Programme that brings together the Laudato Si’ goals, summary of activity/resource and a direct link to that activity/resource. All of this helping pupils and teachers to pray, learn and act.
Caring for our Common Home
Parishes are not being left behind as many are putting into practice the teachings of Scripture and Laudato Si’ (as well as other Church Teaching). Have a look at our ‘Caring for our Common Home’ guide.
Season of Creation
Care of creation is not just about a heightened awareness for Laudato Si’ week but something we do all year. SCIAF has lots of resources connected with the Season of Creation from 1st September to 4th October (Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi).
Providing resources and workshops for parishes and schools allows us to help support people as they put their faith into action. We learn together and while we do not claim to have all the answers, we strive to follow what Scripture and Church Teaching have to tell us on caring for our Common Home.