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Shidalah's story

8 January 2021

Shidalah and family 2 - WEE BOX - Lent 2021

Shidalah is six years old. He lives in South Sudan, one of the poorest countries in the world. A country torn apart by violence, conflict and hunger.

Like him, two of his older siblings are disabled. He finds it hard to move. He cannot talk. Every day is a struggle for his mother, Rina John. She’s terrified for her children’s future. What will happen to Shidalah if he can’t go to school? How will he survive without her to look after him?

Shidalah and family - WEE BOX - Lent 2021

In countries like South Sudan, conflict has left behind a legacy of fear, displacement and despair. Now, the pandemic has deepened already existing levels of poverty. Children with disabilities, like Shidalah, are the most vulnerable of all. Disabled children may not be able to go to school or, later on, to work and earn money for their families. They may face stigma and exclusion, or worse.

Thankfully, Shidalah and his family received support from our partner, who helped him to learn to control his muscles, learn how to hold his head up, sit down, hold objects, feed himself, stand and even walk. Their lives are a little easier, and Shidalah’s mother has hope.

Thanks to your generous donations, we are working hand in hand with our local partners and key community members, we’ll enable children with disabilities in South Sudan to access the education and support they need to build a healthy future.

Children born in the world's poorest communities deserve a chance to live life to the full, so please give what you can today.


Malia's story


Vaida's story

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