The Big Lent Walk
This Lent, join us as Pilgrims of Hope and sign up for the Big Lent Walk!
The challenge, in partnership with our sister agency CAFOD, returns this year. We are inviting you to join us walking 200km over 40 days to raise vital funds for our sisters and brothers around the world and shine a light on global injustice.
Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year and asked us all to be Pilgrims of Hope. By taking part in this challenge, you can help SCIAF and CAFOD make BIG change happen FASTER!

Individual Sign Up
Take part and walk 200km throughout Lent with thousands of other inspiring people across the country and put your faith into action.

Schools Sign Up
Schools can get involved as groups or classes to walk our virtual route from Scotland to Vatican City, becoming Pilgrims of Hope and learning about European Saints and Blessed Servants of God along the way.

Parish Sign Up
Come together in your parish and walk 200km throughout Lent with parishes across the country.
The money you raise by taking part in the Big Lent Walk will support SCIAF’s WEE BOX Appeal in Colombia, and our work around the world.
Please join us this Lent. A better world is possible.
For more information or to take part, please contact us at or call us on 0141 354 5555. If you're fundraising offline, you can download a sponsorship form.