Eleven years on, the Syrian civil war continues, and while fighting has reduced, the impact of the conflict remains devastating. More than half of the 21 million population remains displaced inside Syria or in neighbouring countries. Since the beginning of the conflict, 6.6 million Syrians have left their country and a further 6.7 million are internally displaced. It is the largest forced displacement crisis in the world, accounting for 25 per cent of the global refugee population.
Almost the entire population of Syria (80%) now lives below the poverty line and an estimated three million have some form of disability or lifelong impairment due to a combination of violence and a broken health system.
Syria’s neighbours have borne much of the burden. Lebanon, itself in the midst of a political and economic crisis that has thrown more than half of the country’s population below the poverty line, is host to over one million Syrian refugees.
We’ve been there since 2016 and we’re still there, ensuring essential access to food, water and safe places to stay for the most vulnerable people. Together with our partners, we’re helping families to rebuild homes and livelihoods damaged and destroyed in the violent conflict, and helping refugees to rebuild their lives across Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
COVID-19 has also presented major challenges in Syria and more recently a cholera outbreak has spread throughout the region.
Focus of our work
- Emergency supplies: Providing essential support to communities, including food baskets and emergency cash
- Rebuild & recover: Helping communities to rebuild their homes, infrastructure and communities
- Health & hygiene: Enabling families to access and pay for medical expenses and equipment and fund life-saving surgery in hospital
- Livelihoods: Working with vulnerable communities to set up businesses and providing grants and toolkits to encourage economic recovery
- Protection: Encouraging psychosocial recovery amongst the most vulnerable groups such as women, children and the elderly through awareness sessions and by creating child-friendly spaces.
million people have fled their homes as a result of the Syrian war
million people worldwide have been by displaced by war, persecution, and violence - the highest on record
Syrian refugees are children
Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan has a disability
Syrian children under the age of five have not received routine vaccinations
children in Syria are in need of humanitarian assistance

Hombeline Dulière SCIAF and CAFOD’s Syria Crisis Programme Manager

Hombeline Dulière SCIAF and CAFOD’s Syria Crisis Programme Manager
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