Invisible water activity

Year Published 2021
Publisher SCIAF
Language English
Content type Schools
Topics Water
View DownloadsThis quiz challenges students to determine how many litres of water are needed to make many of our favourite everyday items. Do you know how much water is used in the production of everyday items? Take our Invisible water quiz and find out!
Quiz Guidelines
- Take our Invisible Water Quiz Kahoot! today
- Pause between each question for discussion.
Invisible Water pdf guidelines
- Alternatively, print off a few copies of the ‘Invisible Water’ answers sheet from the ‘Teachers Notes’ pdf to hand out
- Cut out the list of items and hand to groups - make sure that the children are given the list without the ‘litres of water’ indicated!
- Ask them to sort the items from the item that uses the most water in its production to the item that uses the least
- After 5 minutes, hand out the ‘litres of water’ list so that the pupils can match them to their items
- After another 5 minutes, reveal the answers
- Use the ‘Teachers Notes’ pdf to guide a discussion.
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