WEE BOX 2023: Parish resources

Year Published 2023
Publisher SCIAF
Language English
Content type Parishes
Topics Hunger, Prayer and Reflection
View DownloadsWithin this year’s WEE BOX Lenten resources you’ll find prayers, presentations and a daily reflection.
On our YouTube channel you’ll find a video reflection and lots more to help your parish support this year’s WEE BOX appeal.
Remember to let us know how your parish is supporting this year by using #WEEBOX and tagging us: @SCIAF on Twitter and Facebook or @sciaf_insta on Instagram.
Parish Resource
This resource provides various ways to pray with and for SCIAF’s work throughout Lent.
It also includes materials you need for the WEE BOX Day of Prayer on Friday 17th March. Please join parishes and schools across Scotland in prayer on this day.
Stations of the Cross
Use these Stations as a preparation for daily Mass or in a service immediately after. There is also a PowerPoint of images from SCIAF’s work in Zambia, to accompany this year’s Stations.
Children’s Liturgy
Five weeks of children’s liturgy linked to SCIAF’s work for use by catechists and families.
Includes an opportunity to share Scripture, respond and learn more about SCIAF.
Donation return form
Don’t forget to send back your parish’s donation at the end of Lent. Thank you for supporting this year’s WEE BOX appeal.
Your WEE BOX can make a BIG difference.
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