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Pope Francis Faith Award and SCIAF

PFFA booklet thumbnail

Year Published 2023

Publisher SCIAF

Language English

Content type Schools

Topics Prayer and Reflection

If you have pupils working towards the Pope Francis Faith Award we can help. We have selected ‘Faith Actions’ where, together with SCIAF, young people can use their gifts to show love of God and others. 

Success criteria

I will use all the gifts of the Holy Spirit when showing my love of God and my love of others in my daily life. 

With the support of others, I will reflect on how my actions have made an impact on my journey of faith. 


Uganda School 08.jpg LargeFind out about someone your age living in a poorer country. 

Download the Day in the Life of Norah activity exploring the daily life a young girl living in Uganda. The resource includes teachers’ notes, a lesson plan, and an opportunity for pupils to respond in prayer. 

We have several ‘Day in the Life’ workshops looking at the lives of young people across the world. We also have a Day in the Life Padlet to watch all the videos.

Made with Padlet

Book a 'Day in the Life' workshop

Learn about and share the challenges of climate change and the impact it has.

Use this Sway for links to education resources linked to climate change, including a Climate Emergency board game.Interview 2 Mallicha Wario Photo 9 original

Learn about the sacredness of water and the communities who struggle to access this most basic need.

Download the Water is Life resource, which has three lesson plans and activities. Or, use this short drama sketch, highlighting some of the key issues faced by people living without access to water, for your group to present at Assembly. 


Talented fundraisers - st kessogs balloch - primary school pupilsContribute to charity with your time and talents. 

Take part in our fundraising enterprise project, Talented Fundraisers. The project is inspired by Scripture and encourages pupils to put faith into action. 

St Paul s Pr Hamilton 008Try to imagine what it must be like to have your home or your livelihood threatened by the effects of climate change.

Download the Emergency Response resource to investigate SCIAF’s response during an international crisis. Then, book a visit from SCIAF with our interactive giant Emergency Response board game.  

Contribute to charity with your time and talents.

Sell SCIAF Real Gifts in your school. A great Advent activity, which also helps pupils to learn about and share the impact that Real Gifts make around the world. 

Order Real Gifts for your Pope Francis Faith Award group to sell. Email for more information. 


El Salvador Case Studies Name Needed Maize Farmer 01See God in everything around us and respect the gifts of Creation. 

We can visit your class with our Care for Creation workshop exploring the cry of the earth and the effects on the poor.  

Book a Care for Creation workshop

Season of creation - coverTake time to thank God for the gifts of Creation. 

Download our Season of Creation resources which include a lesson plan and prayer stations activity. 


Malawi - prayers in churchPray in gratitude for all I have and pray for those who are not so fortunate. 

Use this Sway for links to prayer resources linked to the cry of the earth, and the cry of the poor. 

Wonder and Awe

Thriving FieldsParticipate in a harvest festival where you give thanks for God’s goodness.

Take our Harvest quiz on Kahoot! to find out more about our food systems and how, with your help, SCIAF supports people living in the world’s poorest places to grow more food. 

PrayShare with others and give thanks for God’s goodness. 

Download the Bearing Fruit resource that explores how SCIAF supports people to grow their own fruits and vegetables while nourishing the communities they live in. Includes reflections, prayers and an activity for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 


Climate craftivism - coverRaise money for a Church charity and get your friends involved to raise awareness.

There are so many fun and interesting ways to raise awareness of global injustices, while raising money for SCIAF. 

Donate your birthday – instead of asking for birthday gifts this year why not ask for SCIAF Real Gifts that make a lasting change around the world.

Download our Climate Craftivism resource to make your voice heard on climate injustice through art and craft. Craft + Activism = Craftivism. 

Get in touch to find out how your Pope Francis Faith Award group can ‘Takeover’ our social media channels for the day. Find out more and get involved today. 

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