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Schools across Scotland take up ‘Acts of Hope’.

1 April 2022

Notre Dame High School - Acts of Hope - WEE BOX Lent 2022

Schools across Scotland are taking up sustainable ‘Acts of Hope’ while to fundraise for our WEE BOX appeal.  

Throughout Lent, primary and secondary students have led a variety of fundraising activities around the ‘Acts of Hope’ to support our work in Malawi, and around the world.

These small, climate-positive steps include: Eating in Hope (eating vegetarian, vegan, or seasonably), Travelling in Hope (reducing car use, cycling, walking), Reusing in Hope (reducing consumption by buying less or buying used), and Dating in Hope to help people living in the poorest parts of the world.

Samra Ahmed - Notre Dame High

Samra Ahmed, student at Notre Dame High School in Glasgow, shared:

Our school is carrying out SCIAF’s Acts of Hope, with each year group doing something different. Reusing food waste, planting herbs and fruits and vegetables, and we’ll be promoting reusing clothes.

We have to take great care in the world we live in. We take our world for granted – well, most of us do. If we can just do the small, little things it can make a big change. We need to all take action.

St Francis of Assisi Primary - Football Team

The football team of St Francis of Assisi Primary, Ballieston, are playing each game with us in their minds after putting the SCIAF logo on their football kit.  

Fergus Donnelly, Depute Head Teacher, St Francis of Assisi Primary, shared:

This is a source of pride for our pupils. They know that every time they play a game of football they are not only representing their school, but also promoting the great work of SCIAF.  

They compare this to when Barcelona had UNICEF on their shirt or when Celtic play with the Celtic Foundation displayed on their shirt. It goes beyond displaying the name SCIAF though, pupils have plans to work alongside SCIAF in our local community and to raise funds putting charity into action. 

And at St Francis Xavier in Falkirk, students created a triathlon event with reading, walking and an obstacle course to raise money for SCIAF.  

St Francis Xavier Primary

Helen Quinn, Teacher, St Francis Xavier’s Primary, Falkirk said:

I cannot overstate the huge positive impact on our school and pupils from working with SCIAF. It has been a tradition in our school for many years to participate in the WEE BOX campaign during Lent.

SCIAF’s WEE BOX appeal focusses on Malawi this year, where the climate crisis is causing devastating hunger and the loss of livelihoods for thousands. The charity’s projects span across Africa, Asia and Latin America. 

Mark Booker - School Visit 

Mark Booker, Senior Development Education Officer, SCIAF, said:

It has been such a pleasure and a privilege to be back in the school environment this Lent – last year we weren’t able to because of COVID-19.  

 We are lucky to have such generous schools supporting our WEE BOX appeal – our thanks go out to each and every student and teacher across Scotland who have got involved. Their Acts of Hope and support of the WEE BOX have inspired us all.  

 Our WEE BOX school resources provide activities connected to the curriculum along with the opportunity to use engaging prayer and reflection material.