Over 200 NGOs condemn the UK government cuts to the aid budget
26 April 2021

SCIAF together with over 200 NGOs has condemned the UK government's long awaited breakdown of aid cuts and have urged the government to reverse its decision.
The aid cuts will deal a tragic blow for millions of the world’s poorest people the UK once supported, and for the UK's reputation as a trusted development partner. The government has not even spared countries ravaged by humanitarian crisis, disease, war and poverty. When other nations are stepping forward and bolstering their aid budgets, the UK has instead chosen to step back.
In a year when the UK has the chance to show leadership at G7 and the UN COP26 Climate Change summit withdrawing vital investment needed to keep everyone safe from health pandemics, conflicts and climate change, is the wrong move.
It will be devastating for millions of people living in extreme poverty at a time when they need a hand up to build a future. It also sends mixed messages and undermines Britain’s global leadership as we urge all nations to come together for the UN COP26 summit in Glasgow to tackle climate change once and for all.
Yesterday MPs approved the government's proposal to continue to slash foreign aid for an unknown period of time.
SCIAF urges G7 to consider the unfair impact that impending foreign aid cuts will have on the world's poorest communities.
The Scottish Government has given grant funding to SCIAF to help communities recover from the damages caused by the climate crisis.