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Rich cannot abandon world’s poorest
20 October 2020
World leaders must fulfil their promises to support poorer countries adapt to the impacts of climate change according to a new report from the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS).
Stepping up humanitarian aid in Lebanon
9 October 2020
We are extremely pleased to announce we will be increasing our humanitarian aid work in disaster-stricken Lebanon.
Statement: Faith-Based Aid Agencies on the Announcement of DFID Merger
18 June 2020
SCIAF have united with leaders of faith-based NGOS to speak out against the UK government's decision to merge the Foreign Office (FCO) and the Department for International Development (DFID).
We cry for climate justice through mass mobilization in Madrid
9 December 2019
Civil society coalition issues rallying cry for Scotland from mass mobilization in Madrid.
Humanitarian aid for Syria
15 October 2019
Through Scottish Government funding, SCIAF strive to help provide essential aid to 6,000 people in Syria whose lives have been torn apart by war.
2020: looking forward to COP
1 October 2019
We need to work together to ensure effective participation in next year’s historic Climate Conference.
SCIAF welcomes new climate change law
26 September 2019
SCIAF sees the new Climate Change Bill as a hugely significant step towards tackling the Climate Emergency.
Appeal to help Cyclone Idai survivors raises more than £235,000
31 May 2019
More than a thousand people lost their lives across Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe when the cyclone struck in March.
SCIAF gives evidence on climate change at Holyrood
28 May 2019
Policy Officer Ben Wilson told MSPs how climate change is affecting some of the world's poorest people.
Hundreds join the race to help others at 6k Family Fun Run
7 May 2019
Money raised through your hard work will help people in need all over the world.
Climate change campaign success is thanks to you
3 May 2019
The Scottish Government has committed to radical new cuts to Scotland's greenhouse gases.
Governments must face climate change reality
4 December 2018
As world leaders gather in Katowice, Poland for the United Nations climate conference, we’re calling for ambitious and immediate action to tackle the devastating effects of climate change.