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Thank you for reaching out to Indonesia

11 February 2019

Nining and daughter Indonesia

Thank you to everyone who supported our appeal for the people of Indonesia following the devastating earthquakes and tsunamis which struck last year.

Your donations have made a tremendous difference to survivors who lost everything in these tragedies. Thanks to your quick response we could send money to our sister agency Caritas Indonesia to provide food, water and shelter to survivors.

Nining, a 25-year-old farm worker from Sigi, is one of the people your donations helped. The mother of two was on her way to tend to her crops when the earthquake struck in September.

"The house by the field collapsed. The earth shook very hard, I couldn’t stand up straight."

Nining rushed to check on her young daughters who she had left at home along with her husband and mother-in-law. Thankfully they escaped, but the ground in front of their house had cracked open.

The family followed the crowd and ran to higher ground, eventually arriving in a large field that later became a camp for survivors. In the camp, Caritas worked to distribute essential supplies.

Nining listed the items which your donations helped provide to her and her family;

"I received a mosquito net, a jerry can, a bucket, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, detergent, dishwashing soap, and a water pail.

"The mosquito net is very useful, especially when you have small children like I do. There are a lot of flies and mosquitos here. On a rainy day like today, there will be a lot of mosquitos in the evening."

Like any mum, Nining just wants to protect her children from what has happened.

"I want to go home, but my youngest child Tiara is still scared. Whenever we visit home, she always asks, ‘Let’s go back to our house on the hill,’ referring to this shelter.

"I spend most of my time taking care of my children. I just want my kids to be healthy."

The essential items your donations provide to families like Nining’s are a lifeline in a time of desperate need, so thank you for reaching out when it mattered most.

Your support will also help to fund the long-term recovery work the community will undertake such as rebuilding roads and repairing water pipes. Together we can help return life to normal for the families who survived these tragic events.