SCIAF reacts to broken promises on climate
18 April 2024

SCIAF has today reacted to the news that the Scottish Government plans to reopen the 2019 Climate Change Act which aimed to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030.
Anne Callaghan, SCIAF Advocacy Officer said:
“Today’s news betrays the communities SCIAF serves in the world’s poorest places.
“Right now, millions of people are suffering on the front line of the climate crisis in places like Malawi, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Zambia. Every day they deal with loss of life, livelihoods and land from hunger, flooding, and drought.
“Pope Francis has urged us to protect the planet and its peoples, saying: ‘The effects of climate change are borne by the most vulnerable people, whether at home or around the world.... We must move beyond the mentality of appearing to be concerned but not having the courage needed to produce substantial changes.
“In East Africa, climate change is contributing to a broader hunger crisis with more than 23 million people across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia facing severe hunger because of failed harvests and conflicts.
“Rich countries like Scotland have caused the climate emergency through our emissions, both now and in the past, and have benefited economically from using fossil fuels. Scientists tell us that we must cut emissions now or we risk making our world even more unliveable. Now is not the time to sell our planet short.
“The Scottish Government needs to step up and deliver a just transition to a low carbon economy. Not just for the people here in Scotland, but for the communities who are suffering right now in the places SCIAF works.
“Without an emergency response that delivers at pace, we risk playing our part in making this planet a hell on earth.”