Keep up to date on all things SCIAF and find out about work that we are doing right now across the world.
New book celebrates the life and teaching of the Blessed Oscar Romero
23 August 2018
Together with the Archbishop Romero Trust, we have published a commentary on the teachings of Blessed Oscar Romero by Fr Thomas Greenan.
World Humanitarian Day 2018
18 August 2018
Each year humanitarian aid workers put their lives on the line to help people in need in their darkest hour.
Protecting the people we serve
31 July 2018
We believe in creating a better world, in which everyone is safe and treated with respect.
New fund to help Malawians resist climate change
6 July 2018
We’re delighted to have been chosen to manage a new £3.2 million programme for the Scottish Government which will help communities in southern Malawi adapt to the worst effects of climate change.
Standing in solidarity with the people of Nicaragua
22 June 2018
We in SCIAF stand in solidarity with the people of Nicaragua at this time of great violence and unrest.
Celebrating Laudato Si
18 June 2018
Monday 18th May marks the 3rd anniversary of Pope’s Francis encyclical letter Laudato Si’ “On care for our common home”.
£100,000 pledged to South Sudan
1 June 2018
We've committed £100,000 to give thousands of people in South Sudan food, shelter and emergency supplies.
Deacon Blue find dignity in running for the world's poorest
28 May 2018
Scottish singer song writer Ricky Ross and fellow Deacon Blue member Lorraine McIntosh will be running the SCIAF 6k Family Fun Run on 2nd June – and are urging other Scots to join them.
Mark Reynolds backs our 6k
18 May 2018
Superfit Aberdeen football star Mark Reynolds wants all our supporters to get on their marks and join in our fantastic 6k Family Fun Run.
Nepal earthquake three years on
25 April 2018
When the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit central Nepal on 25th April 2015, 9,000 people were killed, 230,000 were injured, and a million people were left in need of emergency aid.
Faith Leaders seek Climate Action
18 April 2018
Faith leaders from across Scotland’s religious traditions have joined forces to urge the Scottish Parliament to strengthen its Climate Change Act.
St Andrews students have a ball for SCIAF
6 April 2018
We are delighted that students from Scotland’s oldest university are holding a ball to raise money to help some of the poorest people in the world.