Keep up to date on all things SCIAF and find out about work that we are doing right now across the world.
Nepal earthquake three years on
25 April 2018
When the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit central Nepal on 25th April 2015, 9,000 people were killed, 230,000 were injured, and a million people were left in need of emergency aid.
Faith Leaders seek Climate Action
18 April 2018
Faith leaders from across Scotland’s religious traditions have joined forces to urge the Scottish Parliament to strengthen its Climate Change Act.
St Andrews students have a ball for SCIAF
6 April 2018
We are delighted that students from Scotland’s oldest university are holding a ball to raise money to help some of the poorest people in the world.
Protecting communities in Cambodia
20 March 2018
Sour Peakei is one of the many people in Cambodia who is being helped thanks to your generous donations. He explains the difference SCIAF's support has made to his life.
WEE BOX by the sea
12 March 2018
We talk to Scottish fisherman about the problems faced by their Cambodian counterparts and this year's WEE BOX appeal.
Celebrating International Women's Day
8 March 2018
In celebration of International Women's day we're sharing the story of Pheor Kamphat, an inspirational woman from Cambodia.
Blessed Oscar Romero is to be canonised
7 March 2018
We're delighted at the news that one of our patrons, the Blessed Oscar Romero, is to be canonised.
Building a better future in Cambodia
6 March 2018
When Toum’s husband left her, it was up to her to provide for their four children alone.
Backing the WEE BOX
26 February 2018
Archbishops Philip Tartaglia and Leo Cushley, together with our Bishop President Joseph Toal, have called on Scots to back the WEE BOX.
Statement on safeguarding vulnerable communities
15 February 2018
By SCIAF's Director Alistair Dutton.
14 February 2018
Pupils struck the right cord with shoppers as they played samba and traditional Scottish music, and sung their hearts out at the St Enoch Centre in Glasgow to help some of the world’s poorest people.
Double your WEE BOX donation this Lent
29 January 2018
We are delighted to announce that pound you donate to our WEE BOX Lent Appeal will be doubled by the UK government Aid Match scheme.