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Iris' story
21 January 2020
Iris was betrayed by a friend which resulted in her being drugged, raped, and left unconscious to die.
Bernadette's story
14 January 2020
Rebels attacked Bernadette's village and committed terrible acts upon many of its locals.
Joan's story
14 January 2020
Each day, Joan lives in fear because of traumatic circumstances that she has suffered in the past.
Joyce's story
14 January 2020
Joyce has begun rebuilding her life after she was raped by rebel soldiers.
Pauline's story
14 January 2020
After Pauline's husband was killed and she was sexually abused by the same rebels, she is putting the pieces of her life back together.
Angela's story
8 January 2020
Through SCIAF’s partners, Angela is now receiving medical treatment for her HIV+ diagnosis and counselling so she can begin to recover from her traumatic experiences.
Lisa's story
8 January 2020
Through SCIAF, Lisa received psycho-social counselling that provided advice surrounding how to raise a child and how to deal with the emotional trauma of rape.
Kitty's story
7 January 2020
Kitty was captured by rebel soldiers and witnessed unimaginable horrors as a prisoner. She has been trained in farming methods, and is now able to feed herself and her family.
Sylvia's story
7 January 2020
Sylvia’s experiences left her deeply traumatised. But through your generosity, SCIAF were able to help provide Sylvia with extensive trauma counselling.
River Guardians discuss challenges in Chocó
7 October 2019
We welcome two River Guardians from the Atrato River in Chocó, Colombia, to Scotland. They are tasked as being the 'voice' of the river.
Eleam's story
15 August 2019
At 40 years old, Eleam Diida became a widow with six children to care for and no job to bring in an income. With your help and support from the UK government's Aid Match programme she's now opened the doors of her own shop.
Transforming communities in Cambodia
31 July 2019
We're working to transform the lives of 19,000 villagers in rural Cambodia.